Global Organic Latex Standard Certified Organic Mattress Reviews

Accept yous e'er seen the terms "organic latex" or "certified organic" and wondered who decides what constitutes organic and how they do information technology? Organic certifications are a lot more than just a guarantee the latex products yous're buying are made of natural fibers. They're a guarantee those products were raised, processed, and manufactured to the healthiest and safest standards possible.

In the earth of sleep products, ane of the most widely regarded standards for organic latex is the Global Organic Latex Standard (GOLS). Below, we'll talk a little about what GOLS is, what it takes to become GOLS certified, and what GOLS can practise for you.

GOLS—The Gold Standard of Latex

GOLS is a set of stringent requirements and quality controls for products made of natural latex. These controls prepare minimum criteria for how much organic material can be in a production labeled organic. They also regulate how many toxic chemicals, polymer fillers, and harmful emissions can be nowadays in latex. Their limits on these substances are commonly much lower than a given state'southward legal limits.

Everything from safe tree farms to latex processing plants to retailers can be certified nether the GOLS regulations. GOLS fifty-fifty utilizes transaction receipts to proceed a chain of custody on latex products, tracking them through the supply concatenation all the manner from the safe plantation to the store.

What It Takes to Get GOLS Certified

The start step in the GOLS Certification process is applying to have your products tested. Once the application is filled out, the certifying body determines the telescopic and testing activities appropriate for any item is existence certified—whether it's the raw materials, a component, or the finished product.

Assessments tin vary, but they'll ordinarily include purity tests, quality tests, and tests for a range of chancy chemicals to ensure they're at levels that won't touch homo health. If the organization passes the exam, they'll receive their certification. If they neglect, the certifying body may issue guidance to assistance the manufacturer or grower get their products up to snuff.

A few examples of criteria for the GOLS certification include:

Environmental guidelines for pollution and impact minimization, like:

  • Processing units must track their levels of energy consumption and waste product
  • Used water must be treated rather than dumped
  • PVC packaging cannot exist used

Social guidelines to protect farm and factory workers from exploitation, including:

  • No child labor, regardless of local laws
  • No labor coercion (i.e. slavery)
  • Living wages and reasonable working hours
  • Acceptable working conditions

Manufacturing guidelines to protect consumers from unsafe or unethical practices, such equally:

  • Banning constructed sizing agents, heavy metals, GMOs, etc.
  • Prohibiting auxiliary accessories from containing harmful substances
  • Requiring chlorine-costless bleach

Who Offers the GOLS Certification

Command Union (CU) Certifications is the certifying trunk that pioneered the Global Organic Latex Standard and offers certificates of compliance. CU is a USDA-recognized third-political party assessor whose minimum standards for certification often go above and beyond the USDA National Organic Programme.

While CU offers their certification for many products made of latex, organic mattress manufacturers in the slumber industry are amidst the most common applicants. Many mattress companies advert products as organic want to prove they've met the biodegradability, toxicity, and processing standards consumers take come to desire from their mattresses. And the GOLS label is one of the quickest and virtually efficient ways to do that.


How does a GOLS certified mattress benefit me?

If you're in the market place solely for an organic latex mattress, GOLS is 1 of the best ways to ensure yous become exactly what you're paying for. When a mattress has the GOLS logo on it, they've demonstrated they've followed all the procedures to create a clean, rubber latex production—giving you peace of mind you're sleeping on organic latex and not a agglomeration of other stuff that simply has a "natural latex" characterization on it.

Is it safe to buy a mattress that isn't GOLS certified?

Sure. GOLS only deals in latex, so if yous buy a mattress fabricated of anything else, it cannot be GOLS certified to begin with. It's too possible to go quality latex regulated under different certification standards. GOTS, or the Global Organic Cloth Standard, is another nifty label to await for if y'all're buying a mattress fabricated of a number of organic materials.

Other good labels to look for are OEKO-TEX®, CertiPUR-United states®, and GreenGuard/GreenGuard Gold.

How do I know if the terminal product is GOLS certified or if only a single component is?

To brand certain you lot're getting a GOLS Certified Organic Latex Mattress (and not a mattress with just a couple of GOLS Certified components), ask to see a copy of the certification for any mattress you're because. Make certain the certification is granted to the manufacturer of the mattress and not to the rubber plantation the mattress sourced its latex from or one of the factories where they bought a component.

Likewise, check the label. A manufacturer can only characterization their production "Certified Organic" if information technology'due south fabricated of more than 95 percent organic materials. If information technology'south not, they can only say something like "made with X amount of organic fibers."

Does a GOLS certification make a mattress cost more than?

Since eco-friendly, sustainable manufacturing processes are more expensive, and the GOLS certification itself tin can too cost a lot, information technology stands to reason that expense will get passed on to the consumer. So a GOLS-certified bed typically isn't the all-time choice for shoppers looking for a budget mattress.

Nevertheless, if you're concerned about toxic chemicals in the manufacturing procedure or the final product—or you just really want to sleep on an organic mattress—the added expense of a GOLS certified mattress volition probably exist worth it to you lot.

What are Dunlop and Talalay? Are they both organic?

Organic latex has to do with how the rubber trees are grown and how the raw fabric is candy. Plain natural latex is subjected to much less stringent rules, and thus can't exist labeled organic. Latex with an organic characterization has to exist grown with few to no constructed pesticides and fertilizers, and it must exist processed with as few chemic additives and synthetic agents as possible.

Dunlop latex and Talalay latex are the two basic types of latex that go in mattresses, and they both are organic, but have unlike feels—Dunlop is firmer and denser while Talalay is softer and squishier.

Bottom Line

A GOLS certification is a not bad way for consumers to know exactly what they're getting in their latex foam mattress. With a GOLS certification, yous tin remainder assured your natural latex mattress has met strict wellness, ecology, and social guidelines that not only arrive a safer sleeping surface, but a more than ethical product.


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